Yoga and Naturopathy guide
Are you suffering from any Disease or Pain? Want to cure read full yoga & naturopathy article
Naturopathy and Yoga both are capable to cure this Naturally without Any side effects and lots of chemical tablets
naturopathy is an Alternative / Complementary System of Healthcare yoga increases
its effectiveness very faster that’s a reason for doing together
Advance Naturopathy is a new and amazing treatment which is capable to heal cure any disease naturally,
two big healthy process Naturopathy and Yoga together gives miracle results in any disease
Naturopathy therapy is on booming now, we are experiencing that people are moving towards nature
and now understand that natural therapy can cure their disease
Traditional treatments are becoming more costly, Government come up with many schemes and help people in many ways
but still, people fill unsure for government medical facilities
Fundamentals of Naturopathy
Naturopathy is a treatment focussed on five natural elements of the human body based
which is Earth, Fire, Air, space, and water,
our body is a combination of these root elements
Read about Benefits of Naturopathy Treatment
Naturopathy is Designed or arranged all therapies and treatments in that way that balance all these elements
who unbalanced because of toxins coming from basic intakes of the human body from the birth
which is air, water, and food
Yoga is playing a very major role to cure disease faster,
our mind is a controller of our human body and
our body has a self-healing power that is our Immune system
Toxins in our body stop or may decrease self vital power that is capable of curing by itself Naturopathy makes it powerful by treatments
Why need to do yoga and Naturopathy together
Yoga and exercise makes your mind healthy and more active it releases chemicals which helps your body to repair damages it works at your cell level
This is a little bit complex to understand but if you have learned in school that our body is a collection of uncountable cells,
every day thousands of cell damages and also newborns
Our damaged cells which cause pain and disease it will be repaired by biochemicals released by the mind in our body
which is part of our body
That’s called our immune system of the human body.
You feel fresher when you do exercise and yoga
We have published many articles about naturopathy but may you don’t know till now please visit our what is naturopathy article
Our five root elements
nature and the treatments based on them are:
- Earth – Mud Therapy (Mud baths, Mud packs)
- Water – Hydrotherapeutic methods in the form of Baths, Jets, Packs, Compresses, Immersions
- Air – Breathing exercises, Outdoor walking, Open-air baths
- Fire – Sun baths, Diet therapy
- Ether(Space) – Fasting therapy
We also use other alternative treatments therapy which is totally natural and cost-effective as well as it cures disease and pains 100% by its root cause
Tow often combinations of yoga are given most to our patients for different requirement
First is patients want to do relaxation and yoga which also good for spiritual peace in that natural space for a week is sufficient
Second is Ayurveda and Yoga Detoxification of the body through herbs, oil, massage, and other ayurvedic therapies or alternative treatments
Our list of therapy for yoga and naturopathy combinations
Massage therapy
also called abhyanga in Sanskrit, massage combination with yoga
which gives unimaginable results, you never fell that relaxation in any other medical therapy
this therapy is also known as mitti chikitsa in our center
our motherland earth has the power to absorb body internal harmful heat and toxins
no other therapy can do some healing process
are part of mud therapy but it is a different process which cures your disease and pain by a totally different manner read about mudpacks
after yoga gives miracle result of cure pains in the body, water elements are capable of absorbing toxins from the body
Know about Reva Nature Cure Therapy
it also decreases internal heat of the body and plays a vital role in naturopathy treatments that include the following therapies
Spinal bath, Spinal Spray bath, Immersion bath, Hip Bath Friction Bath, Foot bath, arm bath, circular jet bath,
Anti-Stress Bath, whirlpool bath, Underwater exercise comes under hydrotherapy
Steam Bath and sauna bath also comes under hydrotherapy but applied at different according to patient’s pain disease.
WET PACKS basically used for heat dissipation from the body that is focused to balance fire element in the human body
following more treatment which is applied according to body requirements COMPRESSES, IMMERSION, ENEMA, BODY WRAPS
Sun based therapies Sunbath, Colour sunbath Chromo bath, Green leaves sunbath, Hot & Cold fomentation,
wet sheet pack, chest pack, abdomen pack, trunk pack, knee pack, neck pack,
wet girdle pack all reserved their own place for cure disease and pain
Don’t pre-judge any therapy by its name because
naturopath doctors know that,
for getting desired results how and when therapy apply
My basic motto to write this article that only yoga or only naturopathy doesn’t cure your pains or disease both are Complement each other for a miracle results
About Us
Reva Nature Cure working since 2005 for making awareness about Naturopathy and yoga in all of our customer and blog readers
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